Improve 10X learning and teaching experience.

All learners are scholar, providing personalized learning and teaching make them scholar clone, while giving schools and teachers data driven solutions, ensure success of student, teachers and education institutes.

Get Started

We are solving problem for


- Map and aligned content

- Adequate learners learning data

- Teaching content delivery and student learning outcome


- Understanding, Knowledge and Skill Mastery
- Spoon Feeding, Teacher driven
- Integrated learning, life & carrier development

Education institute

- ROI & consistency of team
- Prepare student & teacher for 21st Century
- Communication and collaboration

Why choose us


  • 01

    Map and aligned content with specific framework, helps student to develop their knowledge, understandings, & skill mastery with personalized learning, integrated learning, Student engagement, & make challenging learning environment for learners.

  • 02

    End to end teaching scaffolding make teaching delivery easy and helps deeper student learning.

  • 03

    Automation helps to save teacher time and various channel of communication helps to improve expectation of every stakeholders.

Students Parent

  • 01

    Map and aligned course give easy understanding, knowledge and skill mastery.

  • 02

    Joyful Holistic learning with balanced development of every learner.

  • 03

    Learn, practice and solve your doubt anytime anywhere.

Education institute

  • 01

    In line with NEP today and future need.

  • 02

    Happy students parents and teacher ROI, admission and branding improvement.

  • 03

    Data driven solution improve decision support system.


Our team working tirelessly bringing excellent education to millions of children in India through thousands of teachers. Here's what our partner schools, excellent teachers and happy parents have to say about us

Key Features

Competency based education

Affordable Pricing

Inline with national education policy

Map and aligned content with framework

Student Portfolio

Doubt Solving Platform

Student counseling and survey

Syllabus planning and management

Download our App

Students can now dedicate more time to Read Up and Understand their Subjects better.